Yuki Goda


Yuki Goda is a Japanese contemporary dancer and organizer based in Kyoto, Japan. From 2007 to 2017, he was a member of the Kyoto-based dance company Monochrome Circus, performing in numerous domestic and international productions. During this time, he collaborated with choreographers such as Michael Maurissens, Jung Young Doo, and Éric Lamoureux.

Goda has also worked with various videographers, appearing in projects like the music video A Little More by BUNGALOW, directed by Chris Rudz, and the video dance Botchan Retreat, directed by Nathan Smith and Max Pollard.

In 2015, Goda co-founded Goda Planning Office (Goda-Kikaku) with Kyoko Nomura, focusing on organizing workshops, events, and performances that promote contemporary dance in Japan. He is also a staff member of the Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival, actively contributing to the development of the contemporary dance scene.

In 2018, Goda participated in the Kyoto Art Center’s Artist-in-Residence program, which led him to Quartier am Hafen in Cologne, Germany. As part of a residency exchange program between Quartier am Hafen and Kyoto Art Center, he collaborated with Kyoko Nomura, Marje Hirvonen, Maria Mercedes Flores, Nikos Konstantakis, Darius Bogdanowicz, and visual artist Marianne Lindow on the project FEAR. This interdisciplinary performance explored the concept of fear from different cultural perspectives and was presented as a work-in-progress at Kyotobar in Cologne on January 25 and 26, 2019.

Goda’s work has been recognized in various artistic and academic contexts, including the Kyoto Art Center residency program, fostering international exchange between Japan and Europe.

For more details about his projects, visit Goda Kikaku: Goda Kikaku Official Website


Performances Involved In

III. Dual Resonance

Momak Kyoto, Nuit Blanche, October 2022


Ace Hotel June 2020