Piece with 43 spatialized instruments, electronics, and 4 screens, video creation, and spatialized sound.
Theme: the 4 fundamental interaction forces.
The Universe is governed by four fundamental forces that are responsible for all physical phenomena observed in the
Universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. Their ranges as well as their intensities are different. They maintain the coherence of the universe.
Concept: This last performance is the culmination of the symphony using the research from the previous 4 movements, unifying and connecting all previous principles.

Concept :
The structure of the piece follows the 4 fundamental interactions in the order of energy scale: 1. electromagnetism, 2. Strong force, 3. Weak force, 4. Gravity.
The 5th part explores the dream of the scientific community: to achieve a unified force.
String theory gives us a vision of how the elementary particles that make up our world are made, but these particles also interact and connect our universe at a subatomic level. These interactions are the most fundamental aspect of our world.