Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto December 2021
Act 2 – Matter’s mind
Particule’s Collision – Carte Blanche to Dark Matter
Venue: Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto.
Dates : December 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2021
Performance Time: 20h- 21h
The piece explores the enigmatic nature of dark matter and the dynamics of particle collisions. Combining live electronic music, percussion, cello, clarinet and real-time visuals, the performance invites the audience into an immersive experience where science and art collide.
Yannick Paget – Composer, percussion, electronics
William Prunkl – Cello
Mami Nakamura – Clarinet
Alexandre Maubert – Video artist, movie director
Sagar Patel : Real Time Visual