Toru Kurokawa

Toru Kurokawa creates sculptures under the theme of “Savage Math” based on the bodily sensations and the mechanics of the materials. He has participated as an artist in residence in 10 countries throughout Asia and the Middle East, exploring ancient philosophies and forms, also exploring points of contact between physics and mathematics. His works feature internal and external shapes such as the Klein Bottle and Mobius strip.

1984 Born in Kyoto, Japan / 2009 M.F.A. Kyoto City University of Arts / 2021 Topology, Ginza Tsutaya Books, Tokyo / Set Theory, Kusakabe Gallery, Kyoto / 2022 Rising Talent Awards Craft, Maison&Objet Paris, France.

Performances Involved


Amaterasu II


Omote Ura

I. Relativity

I. Relativity

II. Quantum

II. Quantum

III. Dual Resonance

III. Dual Resonance

IV. Singularity

IV. Singularity

V. Fundamental Interactions

V. Fundamental Interactions