V. Fundamental Inetractions

Miyako Messe, December 17-18 2022

Premiered at Miyako Messe Kyoto, December 18, 19, 2022

Symphonic Performance for 43 spatialized instruments, electronics, four screens, live video creation, spatialized sound Composition, direction, percussion, electronics: Yannick Paget. Scientific advisor: Koji Hashimoto
Video direction: Alexandre Maubert. Real-time visuals: Sagar Patel

This movement examines the four fundamental forces—strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational—that govern and balance the structure of the universe. These forces are responsible for all observable physical phenomena and interactions between particles.

Why do these four forces exist in the universe? While we do not yet know all the answers, this performance invites reflection on the mystery of these fundamental forces at the microscopic scale. Are they genuinely distinct, or could they be unified? Are we moving toward a ‘theory of everything’? Perhaps if the fundamental particles mediating these forces are linked, they might resemble “strings.” The day may come when the true origin of these interactions is understood.

See other performances

Fundamental Interactions

in Munster November 15th 2025

Quantum 2.0

in Pumpenhaus, Munster, Germany November 12th 2025

Quantum 2.0

at Osaka Expo - French Pavillon