V. Fundamental Interactions

V. Fundamental Interactions

Piece with 43 spatialized instruments, electronics, and 4 screens, video creation, and spatialized sound.

Theme: the 4 fundamental interaction forces.
The Universe is governed by four fundamental forces that are responsible for all physical phenomena observed in the

Universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. Their ranges as well as their intensities are different. They maintain the coherence of the universe.

Concept: This last performance is the culmination of the symphony using the research from the previous 4 movements, unifying and connecting all previous principles.

Concept :

The structure of the piece follows the 4 fundamental interactions in the order of energy scale: 1. electromagnetism, 2. Strong force, 3. Weak force, 4. Gravity.
The 5th part explores the dream of the scientific community: to achieve a unified force.

String theory gives us a vision of how the elementary particles that make up our world are made, but these particles also interact and connect our universe at a subatomic level. These interactions are the most fundamental aspect of our world.

See other performances

I. Relativity

I. Relativity

II. Quantum

II. Quantum

III. Dual Resonance

III. Dual Resonance

IV. Singularity

IV. Singularity