V. Fundamental Interactions

IV. Singularity

Singularity is a solo cello performance with spatialized sound. This performance delves into humanity’s place within the universe and its inherent uniqueness. Singularities occur where the general laws of physics no longer hold—can the concept of free will be considered a form of singularity? Could humanity itself be a singularity in the cosmos? In this movement, […]
III. Dual Resonance

Dual Resonance is a sound and video installation featuring a film directed by Alexandre Maubert and choreographed by Hidekazu Maeda. The audience is positioned between two opposing screens, with sound spatialized across 12 speakers, creating an immersive audiovisual experience. This movement explores the concept of dual resonance, the phenomenon that led to the development of […]
II. Quantum

Quantum is a solo audiovisual performance composed for percussion, electronics, and Ceramophone (a ceramic instrument). In 2025, it expands to incorporate virtual reality. Quantum delves into the infinitely small—the fundamental vibrations of matter. After relativity, quantum physics is the next major scientific breakthrough to transform our understanding of the universe. This movement is a sonic […]
I. Relativity

Relativity is an electroacoustic outdoor performance featuring spatialized sound, lighting design, and audiovisual installations with metronomes. The piece is written for five musicians: percussion and electronics, cello, euphonium, clarinet, and violin. This movement explores the Theory of General Relativity and the deep interconnectivity of time and space. In this outdoor performance, the musicians are positioned […]